Digital Consultant Responsibilities

Digital Consultant Responsibilities

December 9, 2020

Digital Consultant Responsibilities,

Tags: advertising on hulu, digital advertising, digital consultant responsibilities, digital marketing agency, digital marketing consultant, HBT Digital Consulting, marketing ecosystem,

What Does a Digital Consultant Do?

HBT Digital Showcases Digitial Consultant Responsibilities

Digital marketing is ever evolving with new products, services, and features growing the list of responsibilities for a digital consultant. It can be overwhelming to manage everything in-house, which is why people gravitate towards digital agencies. At HBT Digital Consulting, we play in the sandbox daily, learn from other agency leaders, and actually enjoy learning about ways to take your business to the next level. Digital consultant responsibilities are changing daily; link up with one that understands your needs and knows “what’s out there.”

A digital consultant can provide excellent value by doing the following:

Create High Performing Digital Marketing Campaigns

It’s not enough to create a marketing strategy, build campaigns, and hit launch. It’s up to your digital marketing agency to create high quality digital marketing campaigns that perform! We do this by optimizing campaigns; we review ad performance and change out creative when necessary. If it’s a search marketing campaign, we review search terms, location, device, and audience performance, and adjust bids if necessary (to get cheaper leads and increase conversion rates).

Give Frequent Updates About New Leads

When the digital consultant sets up your ads, most likely he/she will include an automated notification when a new lead comes in. That instantaneous note is great, and the business needs to take action on it immediately to close a sale. But what if you’re running a “call lead” campaign? Sure, they’ll get the call, but they won’t necessarily know that it came from an ad the consultant created.

At HBT Digital Consulting, we notify our clients with every new lead that comes in, and by what marketing channel. This shows that we’re “on top of it” and know exactly what’s happening with the ads. Plus, if by chance the business doesn’t see the lead, you can refresh their memory so they can take action.

Showcase New Products

HBT Digital_Reach Act Convert and Engage
Is this a sun? An eyeball? It’s a snapshot of marketing platforms that help you reach, act, convert, and engage.

The digital marketing ecosystem is changing daily with new players entering the arena at a fast pace. There are channels for managing automation, social posting, billing, call management, keyword research, crm management, influencer management, etc. And within these silos, there are new products entering the marketplace daily. It can be overwhelming to say the least! How is one person supposed to know “everything?”

There are products that stand-out within the silos, and you can be sure your digital marketing consultant will know about the best products. The consultant will take demo calls for you and showcase how it’ll benefit your business. Plus, within their network of other professionals, they’ll be able to discuss with partners if they use a product, how it works, and if it’s “worth it.”

Discuss New Advertising Channels

Remember when social media rolled out, and everyone jumped on Facebook and Twitter advertising? Then, Facebook acquired Instagram, and advertising exploded on that channel. Within a few years Snapchat started and it was an immediate hit with young adults.

Now, advertising on Hulu and Reddit is a thing. Pinterest advertising is huge. Want to do a :30 second commercial on Spotify and connect with your target audience? It’s here, and it’s doable.

Your digital marketing consultant is more than familiar with these marketing channels and can discuss the pros/cons. The consultant can discuss advertising options on each channel, and discuss real-world scenarios for success. He/she may also suggest experimenting with a channel to see if it provides the desired results.

Review Competitor Ads

Do we have something interesting to show you! Did you know you can see exactly what Facebook ads your competitors are running? Check it out now at Ad Library

One thing your digital marketing consultant will do for you is review your competitor’s ads. You’ll get a better sense of their content and their offers and promotions. It can even push you to create better copy and creative. Make sure you understand what’s happening in your own backyard!

A/B Test Creative

In this day and age, A/B testing creative is necessary. You may think you know “what works,” but until you try different ad headlines, descriptions, pictures, and videos, you won’t really understand what drives clicks and leads. Your digital marketing consultant will constantly be trying new variations of ads because you must be evolving daily. Creative can get stagnant, so try new ads. You’ll be glad you did!

You Can Win The Online Advertising Game!

As you can see above, a digital marketing consultant can really take care of your business! If you’d like to discuss how HBT Digital Consulting can take your business to the next level, please contact us today.