Google Discovery Ads

Google Discovery Ads

August 26, 2021

Google Discovery Ads,

Tags: digital marketing agency, Gmail, google ads, pittsburgh digital marketing, youtube, youtube ads,

Are you familiar with Google Discovery Ads?

This campaign type allows you to show up in Gmail, YouTube, and on the Google Display Network.

While different from Search ads, there are a few commonalities, such as:

  • Ability to target specific audiences: people who have visited your website, people that are “in-market” for your products and services, and custom intent audiences (people that have specific interests, purchase intentions, and search for a specific term on Google)
  • Demographic targeting
  • Specified locations and location exclusions
  • and creating ad schedules

Here’s a YouTube, Display, and Gmail Discovery Ad:

This campaign type can be used for awareness, leads, sales, and more. Plus, you control the budget. It’s a great way to showcase your brand!

Want To Track Performance From Ad to Website?

A few conversion actions that we like to track for clients include contacting via email, contact form submission, and phone calls to the business.

By tracking performance, we can understand what campaigns, ad groups, keywords and ads provide results for the client. The great think about digital marketing is the ability to track performance via “code snippet.” All marketing channels provide a pixel, aka piece of code, that goes on a website. When you add the code, it tracks the buyer’s journey from the marketing platform through contact with the business. We like to use Google Tag Manager to track the flow of prospects!

Hit us up if you want to try out Google Discovery Ads for your business!