Would You Like to Plai?

Would You Like to Plai?

October 13, 2022

Digital Marketing Agency,

Tags: creative marketing, digital marketing, Facebook Advertising, facebook marketing, google ads, pittsburgh digital marketing, social media advertising,

Have you heard of Plai?

With the Plai mobile app, you can launch ads with a few clicks of a button on Facebook and Google. Simply upload your creative, determine your ad budget, and launch. It’s slick! You don’t even need to know about interest targeting, building audiences, or remarketing!

Seriously, check out and follow the Plai.io Instagram page. The main guy, Logan, has a ton of followers, especially on TikTok (over 300k)! His videos are fast, fun, and always give value. Check out this digital marketing video below.

What’s not to love about this product?

Well, for starters, you won’t have a marketing team behind the advertising strategy. Want to track events on your website or see in-depth research on how people interact with your digital ads by marketing channel? With Plai, you’ll be out of luck. There’s no keyword research, advertising on LinkedIn or Pinterest, or making daily campaign optimizations to get the best performance from your ads. Further, want input on creative or a landing page? How about creating a lead magnet? ‍♂

Plai can probably win with the very small business owner, and is a company backed by venture funding. They have a great spokesperson and amazing social media – if you can nail those you’re halfway there.

There are pros and cons to using Plai, or even using a digital marketing agency. Do your research and select what’s best for your business.

See how a digital marketing company can help you win.