2021 Digital Marketing Trends

2021 Digital Marketing Trends

January 26, 2021

Digital Marketing Trends,

Tags: digital marketing, digital marketing agency, digital marketing consultant, marketing automation, pittsburgh digital marketing, social media, voice search,

Digital marketing is made up of a plethora of tactics and techniques, and they are used in many instances that ultimately generate leads or create profit for a business. The popular trends of last year’s digital marketing schemes are short-lived, as new trends for the 2021 year are coming to play. Here are some of our favorite top digital marketing trends expected to make an appearance in the digital marketing world this year.

Brand Value 

Millennials like to know what kind of values the brands they love hold close to their hearts. This generation has shown in tremendous ways that they want to buy from brands that believe in values that align with their own. This seems like it’s always been the case, but this lifestyle of consumption is growing. According to PR Daily, consumers care a great deal about companies aligning with the same values as theirs. Two thirds of millennials also say that they have steered clear of brands that don’t take the same stance as them on issues. That’s how important a brand’s value is to a consumer. Social media can help tell the story of brands, as well as other digital means (email, website, blog, etc.). 

Voice Search 

Alexa has become a common name in households across America. Speech technology helps people with disabilities and assists ordinary people with everyday tasks. You can do things like search what the weather is like so you don’t have to go outside, or turn up your music volume. According to writers over at DBS Interactive, there has been a dramatic increase of “near me” voice searches over the past year. One cool thing about these voice-command tools is that 58% of consumers have found local businesses using conversational language to search! Voice search has become very useful over the past few years and proves that it will only continue to become more popular. 

Social Media Stories 

Social media “stories” grab the attention of users by being accessible right on their newsfeeds. Businesses can create story posts to send information across the platforms quickly without keeping these little details on their pages forever. LinkedIn has recently applied the story strategy to its platform. One interesting thing about LinkedIn stories in comparison to Instagram stories is that LinkedIn stories are only available on mobile and are limited to 20-seconds. Twitter takes the same approach as LinkedIn, making “Twitter fleets” (stories) only available on the mobile app. This could be because LinkedIn users want to spread important information to their connections quickly and efficiently. This gives an opportunity for connections to send and chat about each other’s stories. On the other hand, it is popular for Instagram users to add more than one post to their stories at one time because the length of IG stories is limited to 15 seconds. It is comforting to know that LinkedIn is adapting to the lifestyle of millennials and Gen Zers through this next step. 

Marketing automation 

Automation has come a long way in the marketing industry. Long story short, “automation” simply means robots. Think of robots doing repetitive tasks for you, saving time, effort, money, and the risk of error. These robots can track behavior over channels such as social media, email, and websites. Single Grain further explains more benefits of marketing automation in this article, but just know that the next time Amazon recommends your favorite type of popcorn, a robot sent that your way. 

Want some help growing your business by utilizing some of these trends? We can get you started here!