Digital Marketing Packages & Pricing

Digital Marketing Packages & Pricing

June 10, 2021

Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Packages and Pricing,

Tags: digital marketing, digital marketing agency, digital marketing packages, digital marketing packages and pricing, facebook ads, google ads, linkedin ads, search engine marketing, social media advertising,

Crush Your Business Goals with HBT Digital’s Digital Marketing Packages & Pricing

Do you have an awesome in-house marketing team but want a pro to handle something that your team doesn’t do (or do well)? Sometimes, people are certain they need one thing to achieve business success: more organic traffic (SEO can do the trick), or get immediate traffic and leads (try running Google Ads). At HBT Digital, we’ll listen to your business’ vision and goals and make the best possible recommendation to get you where you need to go. We do this by offering different types of marketing packages based on your budget. Let’s dive into what digital marketing packages can do and what to watch out for when in consideration of one. 

What to Look for in a Digital Marketing Package & Pricing

As a digital marketing agency, it’s important to realize that not all digital marketing packages will suit all types of businesses. For example, the same package that fits a credit union may not suit a local coffee shop. Digital marketing agencies should always consider their client’s target audience before giving advice and telling them what to do. As ColorWhistle puts it, there is never a “one package fits all” approach to these digital marketing packages.

It’s also crucial for your digital marketing expert to figure out what your specific goals are. This way, the expert knows what you want to focus on. The strategist should also ask what you’ve done before (and what worked) so that the same unsuccessful steps aren’t repeated. Also, make sure your providing agency considers your budget and specific goals when choosing a package. 

Below is an example of what a digital marketing package may look like for visualization purposes. Notice the pricing differences, as you get more for your dollar the more you spend, and generally more value.

HBT Digital_Digital Marketing Packages
Here’s an example of a Basic, Professional, and Enterprise Package!

What HBT Digital Offers

Customization of digital marketing packages and pricing is key for the success of your business, and we do that! For example, we like to create lead generation packages tailored to the clients and try to reach their target audience on different marketing channels. Typically, this includes an SEM/Social Media advertising package. This would include Google Ads and Facebook Ads (or more). 

A “starter” package might be Google Search Ads management, while an “advanced” package might include Google Ads, Facebook/Instagram Ads, and LinkedIn Ads. We can even utilize SEO in an “expert” package if the company wants to really step up its game with on-page optimizations and content.

At HBT Digital, we can do a social media advertising package (This can include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc), a search engine marketing (SEM) package (Google, Bing, or Amazon), or even a combination of social media advertising and SEM. We’ll stay within your budget (while maximizing it) and show you expected traffic and potential results. We’ll never guarantee a certain amount of leads or sales; if someone says they can guarantee that, run away fast!

Let HBT Digital create a custom digital marketing package for your company! Contact us here.